<106535233"> Sudamerica, Usa NYT 05-06-06
<107130137"> I paesi latino-americani si oppongono al progetto di monitoraggio della democrazia
Joel Brinkley
<107130138"> I 10 maggiori paesi latino-americani, tra cui Argentina, Cile, Messico, Brasile, Venezuela, Perù e Uruguay, non accettano il progetto statunitense di un comitato permanente dell’Organizzazione degli Stati Americani ( Oas) , autorizzato ad intervenire nei loro affari interni.
La proposta americana è derivata da una richiesta del nuovo segretario generale dell’ Oas , José Miguel Insulza, su pressione degli Stati Uniti.
Se l’ Oas non approverà la proposta, sarà una significativa sconfitta diplomatica per gli Usa, proveniente da una regione per decenni ossequiente alle loro richieste.
Il progetto che dovrebbe monitorare l’esercizio democratico in Sud-America, è interpretato come attacco velato contro il Venezuela.
NYT 05-06-06
<106535234"> Latin Nations Resist Plan for Monitor of Democracy
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who arrived here on Sunday afternoon to serve as chairwoman of an O.A.S. meeting where the American plan is on the agenda, expressed frustration with their view, saying, “We have to have a discussion of how the organization can be effective if it does not have a mechanism that can help at times of crisis.”
If the organization fails to approve the American proposal, it would be a significant diplomatic defeat for the
Last month, senior administration officials said they intended to push for approval of the proposed resolution during the foreign ministers’ meeting here, which runs through Monday. But, perhaps anticipating that approval was far from certain, Ms. Rice said to reporters on her plane, “All of the answers are not going to come out of this meeting.”
Several ambassadors of Latin American states said last month that they would be unlikely to support the measure because they saw it as a thinly veiled attack on
“The times in which the O.A.S. was an instrument of the government in
Latin American ambassadors have been consulting among themselves about the proposal since the
Apprised of that, Ms. Rice, said: “Of course, the organization has intervened in the past. It intervened in Peru .” In 2000, the O.A.S. declared elections in Peru illegitimate and sent a mission to mediate the crisis.
“This is not somehow a set of ideas that the United States has, and is going to impose on anyone,” she added.
The ambassadors from 10 major states, including
The two ambassadors said they particularly opposed a part of the proposal that says the organization should “develop a process to assess, as appropriate, situations that may affect the development of a member state’s democratic political institutional process or the legitimate exercise of power.”
One ambassador, who declined to be identified because he did not want to offend the United States , noted that the organization’s charter emphasized “non-intervention, self-determination and respect for individual personalities” in member states.
The American proposal grew out of a remark that José Miguel Insulza, the newly elected secretary general of the organization, made in April at the urging of the United States . Clearly alluding to Venezuela , he said states that did not govern democratically should be held accountable by the organization.
In the weeks since then, the State Department has been drafting the proposal to create a committee that would listen to testimony from citizens groups that have problems with their governments.
The ambassador who declined to be identified said the nations could not accept that infringement on their sovereignty, but added: “We have a constructive attitude. We will work on language that is more acceptable.”
Gonzalo Gallegos, a State Department spokesman, said: “We are in the midst of the process. It is too soon to make a judgment. This is not a process that is going to be finished overnight.”
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