I protestanti in Bolivia si prendono 7 campi petroliferi

<107130120"/> Sudamerica , Bolivia, eneergia IHT 05-06-09

<107130121"> I protestanti in Bolivia si prendono 7 campi petroliferi

Gruppi di protesta indio Guarani, che chiedono la nazionalizzazione completa dell’industria petrolifera e del gas in Bolivia, hanno sequestrato 4 campi petroliferi della società petrolifera spagnola Repsol e 3 della British Petroleum, situati a nord di Santa Cruz, che si trova nell’est del paese.

Gruppi di protesta avevano già occupato una stazione di un oleodotto al confine con il Cile, non permettendo così le esportazioni verso il porto cileno di Arica.

In maggio il congresso boliviano aveva approvato un aumento dei dazi e delle royalty sulle entrate delle compagnie petrolifere e del gas dal 18% al 32%.

Le riserve stimate di gas della Bolivia sono di 1,9 trilioni di m3, le seconde in America Latina dopo quelle del Venezuela.

In Bolivia 26 compagnie petrolifere e del gas possiedono 70 licenze; tra esse British Petroleum, l’american Exxon Mobil, la francese Total, Repsol, la brasiliana Petrobras e l’argentina Pluspetrol.

Le compagnie aeree Lan del Cile e American Airlines hanno sospeso i voli per La Paz.

IHT 05-06-09

<106535217"> Protesters in Bolivia take over 7 oil fields

Reuters, Agence France-Presse


LA PAZ Indigenous protesters demanding the nationalization of the gas and oil industry took over seven oil fields belonging to British Petroleum and the Spanish company Repsol operating in eastern Bolivia , officials said here.

Guarani Indians took over four fields belonging to Repsol and located north of the eastern city of Santa Cruz and 900 kilometers, or 560 miles, east of La Paz , said Ronald Fessy, a spokesman for the group representing the 20 foreign energy concerns operating in Bolivia .

Other Guarani Indians took over three oil fields operated by British Petroleum, also in the area .

Protesters earlier took over a pipeline station on the border with Chile , cutting off crude exports to the far northern Chilean port of Arica.

In May, Bolivia ‘s Congress passed a law increasing state royalties and taxes on oil and gas companies’ revenues from 18 percent to 32 percent.

Opposition demonstrators , however, have brought much of the country to a virtual standstill amid their demands of full nationalization of the energy sector.

Bolivia has estimated natural gas reserves of 53 trillion cubic feet, or 1.9 trillion cubic meters, second only to Venezuela in South America, according to U.S. Energy Department figures.

Twenty-six foreign oil and gas companies – including British Petroleum, Exxon-Mobil of the United States, Total of France, Repsol, Petrobras of Brazil and Pluspetrol of Argentina – have 70 licenses to operate in Bolivia. Some are believed to be considering legal action over the new law.

LAN Airlines of Chile and the U.S. carrier American Airlines, two top regional carriers, said Wednesday they had suspended flights to La Paz after weeks of violent protests there.

LAN, one of Latin America’s leading passenger and cargo airline groups, said it suspended flights between Arica and La Paz for Wednesday and Thursday. The Arica-La Paz route, which LAN flies five times a week, is the airline’s only flight to Bolivia .

American Airlines said it had suspended flights to La Paz but continued service to Santa Cruz.

In a late-night broadcast on Tuesday, President Carlos Mesa appealed to the president of Congress and the chief of the lower chamber of Parliament to step aside and allow early elections to halt protests that have blockaded La Paz and other cities. Mesa also has offered his resignation.

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